An Introduction to Google AdWords Keyword Match Types

Hello Guys, To day we will talk about keyword match types in google adwords. Keyword match types are something that you really need to consider before actually setting up your PPC campaigns. While bidding the ads for certain keywords, you need to choose the right match type that accurately specifies to Google for which keyword searches you want your ads to be matched. Defining the keyword match type in a Google Adwords campaign can make the difference between the success and failure of a campaign.

They are 5 different keyword match types available in AdWords, Each match type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Broad Match
  2. Broad Match Modifier
  3. Phrase Match
  4. Exact Match
  5. Negative Match

Broad Match
Broad Match is the default match type, it gives the most control to Google in terms of its ability to match a keyword with a variation, misspelling, or synonym. For this reason a broad match keyword type would display to the wide audience. The wide reach of Broad Match keywords will increase the number of clicks you see on your ads, the problem is that a lot of those clicks maybe coming from irrelevant traffic.
Symbol: None

Broad Match Modifier
Broad match modifier allows your ads to show for more closely related variations of your keywords. Modified broad matches will contain close variations of the keyword, but will not contain synonyms. The modified broad keyword offers some refinement that will restrict your ad to coming up to more accurate terms.
Symbol: +

Phrase Match
A phrase match keyword is displayed within “quotes” in the AdWords interface. With a phrase match the keyword that is provided will appear in all search terms in the order that it is written, with only slight variations such as plural/singular. ads show up to user’s searches which have that particular phrase, synonyms, misspellings, singular/plural forms or close variants of that phrase.
Symbol: “”

Exact Match
When keywords are specified to be exact match; ads show up to the searches that exactly match to the keywords not for any other keywords or variants. It is a good option to use when your AdWords budget is limited, and when you want to maximise the relevancy factor in your campaign.
Symbol: []

Negative Match
Negative match is a match type that is often mistakenly overlooked. If you add a keyword as a negative match, your ad will not show for searches on that keyword. Negative match is a great way to filter out irrelevant clicks in your campaign, helping you to save money.
Symbol: -

I hope that this overview of Google AdWords keyword matching has proved valuable and insightful! If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments


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